ILSC | News & Events

GC Australia - Updated VET Qualifications

작성자: ILSC | 2021. 1. 29 오후 6:04:00
29 January, 2021

It’s a new year filled with new possibilities! This year, we’re very excited to bring you an updated suite of VET programs that will better equip students for finding work and growing in their careers in Australia and around the globe.



You may have already heard about the NEW Business Services Training Package 7.0 which is being updated across all Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) in Australia. We’re very excited about the new training package, which is carefully designed to help learners build relevant and transferrable skills for the Australian and Global workforce, now and into the future.

Learn more about how the Business Services Training Package was developed, and how the new programs can give our students the competitive edge.


Explore Our New Suite of Business Programs


We’re also very excited to share that our ILSC Adelaide school is launching simulcasting for its Full-Time Evening IELTS class, meaning students will be able to attend on campus or join remotely from home.

As our new VET program suite rolls out, we know you’ll have many questions about how we’ll be supporting current, and already registered students through this transition process. We’re preparing a seamless approach to support students through this change and will be updating you very soon with more details. In the interim, we’re always available to offer support on new qualifications, and to answer your questions.


Chris Nolan - VP, Sales & Marketing

Christopher Mediratta - President & Chief Operating Officer